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更新时间:2025-03-17 08:30:13
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bring to justice

1. It is chiefly meant to bring about universal social justice rather than collecting revenue.

2. The news of the shutdown seemed to bring retaliation from hackers who claimed credit for attacking the Justice Department's website.

3. Justice Department began an investigation which has slowly climbed the corporate ladder to bring criminal charges against 22 former Enron employees.

4. A famous model in the car industry vowed Thursday to bring a man who uploaded her explicit video to justice.

5. A famous model in the car industry vowed yesterday to bring a man who uploaded her explicit video to justice.

6. The crackdown will focus on the protection of student's rights and bring those guilty of illegal pyramid scheme recruitment and detention to justice.

7. Believers say the Hidden Imam will return one day to bring peace and justice to the world.

8. The president also reassured the international community that the federal government would bring those involved in the act to justice.

9. Obama said Wednesday he would bring Osama bin Laden to justice in a way that wouldn't allow the terrorist mastermind to become a martyr.

10. Wang said the family decided to put the video on the Internet as they believe more attention will help bring the case to justice.

1. It is necessary to correct the violations, but also bring to justice those responsible.

2. Westward 2- When the town of Hope River is destroyed, three pioneers must gather resources, build new settlements and bring the Copperhead Gang to justice!
向西2-当城市的希望河是摧毁,3先锋,必须收集资源,建造新的定居点,并把c opperhead团伙绳之以法!

3. bring to justice

3. Any citizen may bring a constitutional case, an antidote to Nazi notions of justice, and some 6, 000 a year do so.

4. To cleanse your unredressed injustice, road Heavens Soldiers prisoners in the same room with the help of Jiang Fenglou jailbreak success, he immediately made Heibailiangdao Note: official to bring the road to justice, and the underworld that on the coveted gold.

5. If the Justice Department wants to bring criminal charges such as assault, manslaughter or murder in a US court, prosecutors would have to do so under the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act.

6. The integration of interest and justice helped to bring about the voting procedure of the UN Security Council.

7. After gumshoe group on record delivers 23 hours, uncover this case successfully, bring to justice criminal arrest.

8. A tortured spirit will bring death to the Heart of Darkness with the weapon of justice and light.

9. bring to justice的翻译

9. In presenting a theory of justice I have tried to bring together into one coherent view the ideas expressed in the papers I have written over the past dozen years or so.

10. President Arroyo said no effort will be spared to bring justice to the victims and hold the perpetrators accountable.

11. It would be great if it were that easy to bring him and others like him to justice.

12. His aim was to bring the criminal who killed his son to justice.

13. We have the reason to believe that the criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency certainly will be able to eliminate the age-old malpractice existing in the current system of legislation and justice, bring its incentive mechanism of execution into full use, initiate a new development idea for the parole system of our country, and open up a creative climate of work, meanwhile so as to enable most of persons serving sentences will be able to achieve the dream of freedom through the sunlit path of parole.

14. The Secretary told India interviewers she expects to see tangible steps by Pakistani authorities in the coming days to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks to justice.

15. You have come to bring Arthas to justice?

16. Through the United Nations, we are working together to preserve peace; to outlaw weapons that kill and maim indiscriminately; to bring mass murderers and war criminals to justice.

17. bring to justice的意思

17. For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him to keep the way of Jehovah by doing righteousness and justice, that Jehovah may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken concerning him.
18:19 我眷顾他,为要叫他吩咐他的子孙和他以后的家属,遵守我耶和华的道,秉行公义和公理,使我论到亚伯拉罕的话,都成就在他身上。

18. They are the ones who are running. And we will catch them all and bring them to justice.

19. bring to justice

19. Around the same time, Lei botched an operation to bring a crime syndicate to justice.

20. C. 10. if any person be restrained of his liberty by order of decree of any illegal court, or by command of the king's majesty in person, or by warrant of the council board, or of any of the privy council; he shall, upon demand of his counsel, have a writ of habeas corpus, to bring his body before the court of king's bench or common pleas; who shall determine whether the cause of his commitment be just, and thereupon do as to justice shall appertain.

Dave: I can think of a few 4villains in school I'd like to bring to justice.(戴夫:我能想到学校有几个坏蛋是我想要绳之以法的。)
He had required defense ministry officials to help investigators to find out and bring to justice the one who leaked the classified intelligence to the newspaper.(他要求国防部员工协助办案人员,将此一机密情报泄露给报社的员工给揪出来移送法办。)
Yet although the Kremlin can have a magic sway over television news, its powers to investigate attacks on journalists and bring criminals to justice are less impressive.(但是,尽管克林姆林宫在电视新闻方面有强大的控制力,他们在调查袭击记者案件以及让犯罪分子绳之以法方面的能力却不敢让人恭维。)
A Paris police spokesman said such attacks would 'not be tolerated' and that everything would be done to bring the vandals to justice.(一位巴黎警方发言人表示这种破坏行为“不会被容忍”,将会尽全力将肇事者捉拿归案。)
The men who bring him to "justice" are afflicted with doubts about their role.(将他“绳之以法”的那些人,对自己的角色充满了怀疑。)
So an angry Obama, sounding like a prosecutor, said, "My solemn pledge is that we will bring those responsible to justice.(于是,出现了一个愤怒的奥巴马,他像公诉人一样说道,“我郑重承诺,一定将这些人绳之以法。”)
They are the ones who are running. And we will catch them all and bring them to justice.(逃窜的是他们,而我们将把他们一网打尽并绳之以法。)
"You wouldn't have wanted to bring those people to justice anyway, would you?" Brand prompted him.(“你本不想将那些人绳之以法的,是吧?”布兰德提示他说。)
Parties concerned should immediately carry out investigation into the incident, bring the perpetrators to justice and avoid recurrence of similar incidents.(有关各方应迅速调查此次事件,将肇事者绳之以法,防止此类事件再次发生。)
Beyoncé quits her day job to bring justice to my nearest town.(碧昂丝辞掉她的工作,到我最近的城镇去伸张正义。)
bring to justice是什么意思 bring to justice在线翻译 bring to justice什么意思 bring to justice的意思 bring to justice的翻译 bring to justice的解释 bring to justice的发音 bring to justice的同义词